Went to watch <Piranha> today. The movie is really short, but it's full of all the eerie and ghastly scenes. Flesh got eaten, bloods filled the water, bodies got torn apart, hairs got pulled by boat's engine etc. Every second you wonder who's gonna be the next victim.
In fact, this movie is curiously filled with movie and TV stars (some are even Oscar winners or nominees), I wonder what makes them participate in such a project. More importantly, what makes them agreed to be "eaten" by Piranha.
The list below sees who survived, and who did not.
Richard Dreyfuss (Oscar winner) - Jaws
- He's just in the movie for about 3 minutes, before becoming the first victim
Ving Rhames - Mission Impossible
- At least he died a hero
Elizabeth Shue (Oscar Nominee) - Hollow Man
- Since she's the heroine of the movie, she can't possibly be dead, can she?
Christopher Lloyd - Back To The Future
- He has to stay, based on the fact that he's the only one knowing so much about Piranha
Eli Roth - Inglourious Basterds
- Don't remember seeing him in the movie, but big chance he's dead, because everyone else is.
Jerry O' Connell - former child star from Stand By Me
- He's the real jerk here, and he deserved to be dead. But seeing him with his lower part of body being eaten is still a very scary sight.
Steven R. McQueen - Jeremy from The Vampire Diaries
- Apparently the director wants to keep a male hottie for the sequel
Jessica Szohr - Vanessa from Gossip Girl
- Apparently the director wants to keep a female hottie for the sequel
Ricardo Chavira - Carlos from Desperate Housewives
- Blink and you'll missed him
Adam Scott - Leap Year
-Poor thing. He nearly survived the whole movie. Unfortunatly he has to fall victim to the director's urge of making the sequel, so he has to die.
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