Just In Time

Just In Time

When Grades Are the Reverse of Your Movie Titles

Saturday, April 13, 2013
It's ironic how the three movies in Aaron Kwok's Detective series have the total reverse grades of their movie titles.

It started with the first movie in 2007, where the Chinese title translated to "Detective C+" but the movie was very good with an A grade performance by Aaron Kwok. I gave it "A+".

Then there's the second movie in 2011, where the Chinese title translated to "Detective B+". It was not as good as the first one, but still watchable. I gave it "B+".

Today I watched the third movie in the series and it's been renamed to "The Conspirators" but they originally intended it to be "Detective A+". It was shot in Malaysia with another Best Actor winner Cheung Ka Fai sharing the screen time. The story however, was lose and lack of direction. I'm gonna say it's worth only a  "C+" grade.

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