Just In Time

Just In Time

Links and News

Saturday, April 19, 2014
Yahoo! Movies doesn't think Johnny Depp needs to worry about his latest flop Transcendence. What?? I haven't even watched it yet and they are already calling it a flop with terrible reviews? What a way to potong steam.

Buzzfeed tells us there's no way Spidey is teaming up with Professor X and his minions. I could have told you that. They are totally different, and their movies have different vibes. But the news that Fox considered bringing Fantastic Four under X-Men's umbrella is still disturbing. Fantastic Four is a boring brand, unless they make it interesting again with the new franchise.

And speaking of Spidey, how is it that Malaysia is not one of the countries with early Spidey release? We always do (thanks and no thanks to the piracy here, movies have to open ASAP or you will lose the market to pirated DVDs). Yahoo Movies! reports that Spidey 2 has already has strong debut in multiple international markets.

Open Culture shows us how to make an interesting movie with interesting way of storytelling... in periodic table, no less. It's either artist James Harris (who came up with this) studied chemistry in college, or he simply is the coolest and most creative person on the earth.

Vanity Fair asked Daniel Radcliffe a few simple questions, and he answered in a few simple words.
Which words or phrases do you most overuse? 
“You know.” I catch myself saying it about five times per sentence when I’m nervous, and it’s annoying.
Hey, me too. I say "you know" a lot.

Forbes has a list of top 9 highest-paid actors on TV. What does it signify if I watch none of their shows? It could mean I am far from the mainstream audience, as their salaries surely reflect their popularity or the popularity of their shows?

I know we have extensive coverage of superheroes in a few links above, but I promise this is the last one, as I eagerly awaited the latest X-Men movie, I read somewhere Rogue is not going to appear in theatrical release. I was upset. Hitflix reports that she might still show up after all, and it's a cameo. Well, better than none.

Mashable has a cool list of trivia on 30 facts of Star Wars you might never knew. I am no Star Wars fan, but I am a curious dude, trivia always get me excited. For example, the first trivia: Yoda was almost played by a monkey. WHAT????

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